Aug 8, 2024
Support Persecuted Sisters and Brothers in Their Plight
I often receive prayer requests and updates from LRI’s partners in the field ...
The on-the-ground missionaries delivering the help and hope to persecuted Christians that YOU so generously provide are often overwhelmed with gratitude.
I recently got some exciting news and had to share it with you:
“Praise the Lord that a revival has started in one of the most remote and isolated areas in the Arabic world. We have no human explanation for it. We are just thankful that the Holy Spirit is moving here in an amazing way.”
Whether it’s ministering to new followers of Jesus, tending to the needs of brothers and sisters who have lost everything for the sake of the gospel, or providing compassionate relief in the most dangerous places to be a Christian, you are making a difference in lives around the world!
From Pakistan to Nigeria, Burkina Faso to Bangladesh, your generosity allows persecuted men, women, and children know they’re not alone in their suffering.
According to Open Doors:
1 in 7 Christians are persecuted worldwide.
1 in 5 Christians are persecuted in Africa.
2 in 5 Christians are persecuted in Asia.
The needs of our brothers and sisters are great.
The discrimination, harassment, oppression, and violence they experience are real.
But so is your heart for the persecuted. And God’s Spirit cannot be blocked or contained. You are shining hope into the darkness with your giving and prayers, and, as Matthew 4:16 says:
“The people who live in darkness have seen a great light, and for those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.”
So I urge you to give generously today. Reach out in Jesus’ name to the hurting.
And keep exciting news like this coming!
In His service,
Mat Staver