"Massacre Like Killing Animals" in DRC

Apr 6, 2023

Provide Relief and Hope to the Suffering

Some 72 Christians were killed recently in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) by an Islamist rebel group — the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) — reported International Christian Concern (ICC).

"Mulinde Esemo, a key church leader in Butembo, DRC, confirmed that the [two weeks during which the murders took place] have been a period of 'great anguish' for the body of Christ in [the Central African country].

"We are living in a very tense situation here in Eastern DRC, both in towns and in the villages. Scores of believers have been killed in cold blood by the ADF rebels. It is a massacre like one killing animals."

My heart breaks for believers who are targeted and murdered because of their faith in Jesus ... my mind cannot fathom the despair their families and communities face in the wake of such horrendous tragedy.

But sadly, killing sprees like this, at the hands of radical Islamists, are commonplace in many countries.

In fact, “These attacks are happening just two months after twenty-three people were killed in Makungwe, [DRC],” ICC continues. “Unabated, the ADF militants have been on a killing spree as they push their agenda of the Islamization.”

I know your compassion for these victims — like Christ’s — surges at the thought of what these communities are enduring.

I simply urge you today: Please don’t turn a blind eye to the suffering of our persecuted family and others in Congo and elsewhere.

Whether they live in Africa, the Middle East, or Asia, victims of violent persecution need our support immediately.

Stand with Liberty Relief International today for those living daily under threat of extreme poverty, violence, displacement, or death.

Your partnership helps provide immediate humanitarian needs like emergency food, water, shelter, and safety for believers who are forced to flee their homes amid violence.

Through your generosity and kindness, our local Christ-centered partners also offer:

  • Trauma counseling
  • Literacy and job training.
  • Restoration assistance, for rebuilding churches and homes that have been destroyed.

And they are providing Bibles, Bible study materials, and discipleship training as well.

Your generous tax-deductible gift right now — of 50, 100, 250, 500 dollars or more, as God leads — will enable us to send urgently needed aid to frontline partners who minister to men, women, and children experiencing significant loss.

Please step forward today.

And please keep praying for our suffering brothers and sisters in Christ.

Mat Staver

*Representative names and photos used for security reasons.